Manta Group – supplying excellence

Manta Group participates to Puglia Digital House 2023

Yesterday, at Teatro Giordano of Foggia, there has been Puglia Digital House. The event, organized by Citynews s.p.a. leader in Italy in digital news, and Regione Puglia to discuss about #innovation and territory in a constructive discussion between Institutions, Companies, Research and Training Centers.

A day dedicated to innovation and digital competencies, with a focus on innovative companies and start-ups. Our CEO Michele Frisoli talked about our experience, explaining how Manta Group digitalization process has been conceived as a fundamental element of our sustainability strategy, showing results achieved and future ambitions of our company, that see innovation and digitalization as two fundamental drivers for future developments, also and especially in manufacturing. Remembering that nothing can happen without human capital. Both company internal and external. Meritocracy, culture of doing, passion and responsibility are at the earth of everything.

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